Thursday, March 31, 2011

What's in a blog?

How many times have I published a blog out there in blogosphere, only to quit after a month or less? Not this time, dangit. The problem before, I think, is that I wasn't really committed, nor was I all that interested in what I was writing about. Now, I'll only be writing about what interest ME - crafting, teaching you to craft, couponing, getting some really sweet pictures of your kids, local travel and the such.

Sounds like pretty much anything right? RIGHT! That's the point. I'm interested in writing about everything. My kids, Coco and Mabel as you'll know them, are the best things that could have ever happened to me. I have never been happier - my husband and my kids complete me completely. Wow, that's redundant.

While you're waiting on my next stunning post of relevant information, feel free to check out the blogs I follow. There's a reason I follow them. ;)

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