Friday, December 14, 2012

What do you do when the kids aren't home?

Yeah, so it's not a great picture, but you get the point. The kids are headed to their Maw-maw and Granddad's house this weekend (it's over the river and through the woods) and I am afraid to send Norton over there for fear that Sunday night will roll around and we'll realize we left him and someone will have to make the hour trip over to get him.

So, instead Norton made these awesome felt stockings/sleeping bags for each of the Twins. The Twins will be making the trip to the other side of the river and even wrote this note for the kids:

Take us to Maw-maw and Granddad's house when you go,
That way we can make sure that Santa's "in the know."

When you've been good, there's fun to be had,
But Santa will not bring gifts if you are bad.

We're not going to move or do funny things,
We'll just tell Santa when you've been DINGA-LINGS!

Love, The Twins

I think it's pretty darn cute, and the kids will be thrilled when the wake up. They can touch the Twins, since they don't do reporting most of the time and they won't be moving around and doing mischief over there. They'll get a kick out of being able to cuddle them at night, I suspect.

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