Friday, January 6, 2012

Welcoming 2012

It's 2012.

Did I seriously write that correctly? I had to go look at a calendar the first time I wrote the date. It is really 2012!

Yes, yes it is. And for your viewing pleasure, a little resolution humor I found on Facebook.

Honestly, looking at that, I found the reason I don't really "do" resolutions. But at the same time, isn't the new year a great place to start over? Do something you haven't done before? Take a chance?

Resolutions are sooooo last year. That doesn't stop me from thinking of things I can do this year, ways to start fresh.

I will be the first to admit, some days I wonder if I should take the Worst Mom/Wife/Person of the Year Award. This year, I think instead of thinking that way, I will think of ways to make myself a better wife. A better mom. A better friend. In some ways, this involves improving myself. The way I eat, how much I exercise. Even how much time I spend on the computer.

I will give the kids childhood memories that are worth remembering - not ones that I hope they forget. All stay at home moms know the stress of raising your kids. That time you yelled at them, then immediately thought, "Shoot. I hope that one doesn't stay in their little memories forever." This year, I'll do my best to remember they are kids. Cut them a little slack. That doesn't mean I'm going to let them run roughshod around the house naked, disrespect people, act like total hooligans at the store or willfully disobey me. I will teach them that they should act in a way that makes not only their parents proud, but makes themselves proud. They SHOULD be proud of themselves. But I'm not raising brats. But I'm not going to be so uptight about things.

Lastly, I will blog. Doesn't everyone say this? Then February rolls around and you go check a blog and it's not been updated. I'm not making set goals for how OFTEN I blog. But I will try to update at least once a week. If I don't, no biggie. But No more of this six months between posts crap. I love my five followers too much for that. So, you'll hear about triumphs, struggles, fun crafts and more this year. I'll try to update, even if it's a short sentence or two. But most of all, you will get substance. It's your time and I'm not wasting it with posts of no value.

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